Tag Archive for: toy

St. Louis BBQ Society is teaming up with WIL Radio and Shriner’s Hospital to make Christmas a little brighter for ill and needy children.

Last year we delivered purchased toys and donated gifts and this year we plan on doing even more. The folks with

WIL will be doing a live radio broadcast during the donation event, more details to come for dates and time.

We’d love some members to be present and help us with the presentation of toys. We really would like a personal touch and so we earnestly request that you bring a new, unwrapped toy to the Gala for a sick or needy child. We will have toy donation bins at the Gala for all the donated toys.

We feel that ‘Giving to the kids’ would be a great ‘Holiday’ theme for the Gala while making their holidays a little brighter for some great kids!

If you have any questions please contact Julie Glaser at 314-315-5177 or email at CARP1143@att.net

Tag Archive for: toy







The SLBS Team of the Year (TOY) program is a year-long points chase available for SLBS members. The winner of the TOY will have bragging rights over fellow SLBS cooks, some hardware to put in the trophy case and everyone’s favorite… cash.

TOY Requirements and Calendar

  • There is no minimum number of registered teams required to qualify for TOY points
  • In order for a team’s scores to count towards TOY points, the head cook of that team must be a fully paid SLBS member.
  • If the head cook cannot be present but a team still wants to cook, awarding of TOY points will be subject to review by the current SLBS board of directors.
  • The TOY calendar starts January 1st of a given year and ends with the last SLBS contest within that calendar year.
  • Any disputes that may arise over the requirements will be referred to the current SLBS board of directors for resolution.


Points are awarded in each of 5 categories as applicable to a contest.  Note…not all contests will have all 5 categories.  Those categories are:

  • Chicken
  • Ribs
  • Pork
  • Brisket/Beef
  • Overall


  • Up to the top 6 scores per category will be used to determine a team’s total points. Points will be awarded on a scaled system.
·       1st = 500·       10th = 175·       19th = 85
·       2nd = 450·       11th = 165·       20th = 75
·       3rd = 400·       12th = 155·       21st = 65
·       4th = 350·       13th = 145·       22nd = 55
·        5th = 300·        14th = 135·        23rd = 45
·        6th = 275·        15th = 125·        24th = 35
·        7th = 250·        16th = 115·        25th and down = 25
·        8th = 225·        17th = 105·
·        9th = 200·        18th = 95·
  • Bonus points will be awarded at a rate of 1 point per team that turns in all 4 meats, capped at maximum of 50 points.
  • The top 10 teams in each category will be recognized at the end of the year awards banquet.
  • The top 10 teams in each category will receive trophies and cash.
  • Teams may track their progress and standings on the SLBS website.
  • In the event of a tie in a category OR overall, the total dropped score for the category OR overall combined dropped will be used to determine the tiebreaker.  IF there is still a tie, the tiebreaker will be a coin flip.